Les obligations communautaires en Écosse

Most ­communities are using the opportunity to address local ­economic and social issues. However, they often struggle to secure the necessary finance from mainstream lenders or funders to undertake their actions. The result is the emergence of ­imaginative and innovative ­mechanisms such as community bonds or community shares, that give people living and working in communities the opportunity to pool their financial resources in order to overcome these financial hurdles and capitalise on this agenda. In return these citizen investors receive a small financial return and a social return.


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Nov. 21, 2018


April 4, 2023, 4:35 p.m.

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Émilien Gruet. (2018). Les obligations communautaires en Écosse. Praxis (consulted July 20, 2024), https://praxis.encommun.io/en/n/2VQlK9CvvyFpW4nE7Y2JkRBS9H0/.
