artolog: collective - archives - collectives

(Cette note n'est disponible qu'en anglais.*)

This note is part of interConnect, a collaborative inquiry into digital transformation. It was written in collaboration with Jean-Denis Boudreau, project’s creator.

Small logo of artolog, Collective archive is a prototype site to archive your art documentation. You may choose to keep it in your private folders, share it, publish it for all to see, or to be seen solely by registered art galleries and institutions.

Project Description

Why make a collective archive? 

Because art disappears and websites get lost in the immensity of the web.By consolidating, there's a potential to link the public to exhibits they're interested in. 

What are the objectives? 

Explore ways to easily find artwork and artists of interest. Add tools for artists and galleries.Find ways for artists to profit from their work and ideas.

For more information about the project, visit 


The project was created for smaller communities but is open to all.

The challenge then becomes about finding, filtering content of interest, professional content, etc. The idea is to provide continuity to those who might not have their work archived and to make visibility/networking equitable.

This project was created by an individual/artist looking to solve obstacles through digital and/or AFK (away from keyboard) means. An organization/management/governance structure will be concieved once/if the platform meets the needs of artists.

Please also note that the inclusion of other languages is anticipated.

Reflection on the project

  • Finding the right developers is a difficult task.
  • Same goes with artists who have spent time thinking about digital initiatives (in smaller communities)
  • Wireframe everything

For questions on this project, please contact Jean-Denis Boudreau at

Your suggestions, comments, and hopes and dreams for the platform are welcomed.

We're always interested in possible partnerships, collaborations with artists, communities, IT specialists…

Launch date: 2023-09-19

Relevant fields of practice: Visual Arts

Additional keywords: Art; Archive; Portal; Open; All; Discover; Publish; Initiative

Total Budget: Between $50,000 and $250,000

Funding Type and Partnerships: Federal Provincial Universities


*interConnect était une initiative bilingue. Cependant, en raison de la quantité de contenu créé au cours du projet, et compte tenu des contraintes budgétaires et de la capacité de l'équipe, toutes les notes n'ont pas été traduites.

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Digital Initiatives in the Broad Visual and Media Arts Sector/Initiatives...
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Include by Pascaline Le Bras, on Nov. 8, 2023, 5:51 p.m.
4. Tools and Platforms /Outils et plateformes, 1. Equity and Diversity /Équité et diversité, 2. Access and inclusion /Accès et inclusion, 3. Public Engagement and Community Outreach /Engagement du public et sensibilisation de la communauté, 4. Presenting art /Diffusion d’art, 5. Collaboration and co-creation /Collaboration et co-création, 6. Infrastructure, Technology and Equipment /Infrastructure, technologie et équipement, 10. Finance and funding /Finance et financement, English, Français

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Nov. 8, 2023


March 29, 2024, 11:11 a.m.

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Jean-Denis Boudreau, Benjamin J. Allard, Pascaline Le Bras, Samuel Thulin. (2023). artolog: collective - archives - collectives. Praxis (consulted July 25, 2024),
