This note was created for the Commoning Beyond Growth Workshop, which took place in Nottingham from June 5 to 7, 2024.

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Research interest 

My research is framed into my personal commitment to fighting for social and environmental justice. I do so by working closely with communities in ways that go beyond the classical object-subject studies and involve local stakeholders in the knowledge production process. My theoretical approach is close to urban political ecology, but at the same time is enriched by other disciplines such as environmental humanities or ecological economics. As a member of the RECOMS project, I explore the ways in which communities along urban waterways can be empowered to embrace resourceful, resilient, and fair environmental practice by unlocking social, economic, environmental and/or political constrains. My main goal is analysing the co-creation of urban post-industrial waterways and nearby communities, and using these insights to inform ongoing commoning practices so they can successfully counter privatisation dynamics in an inclusive, collaborative and ecologically responsible way. (Source)


I have a background in civil engineering. After two years working at the renewable energies sector, though, I decided to go back to college and started an MSc in Sustainability Science and Technology at UPC-Barcelona Tech. I coursed the second year of my Master's degree at KTH in Stockholm, Sweden. I wrote my Master's thesis at the KTH Environmental Humanities Laboratory (EHL) under the supervision of professor Marco Armiero. Thus far, I have been able to present the results of my thesis, titled "Rejecting Fate: the challenge of a subaltern community to the creation of a sacrifice zone in Can Sant Joan, Catalonia", in three international conferences and two articles in peer-reviewed journals (currently in press). During the academic year 2017 and 2018 I was based at the EHL, where I managed the environmental literacy project "Stories and Seeds" and collaborated in the guerrilla narrative project "Toxic Bios". (Source)

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Commoning Beyond Growth
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Include by Marie-Soleil L'Allier, on June 19, 2024, 9:57 a.m.

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June 3, 2024


June 19, 2024, 9:58 a.m.

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Marie-Soleil L'Allier. (2024). Sergio Ruiz Cayuela. Praxis (consulted July 5, 2024),
