Innovative citizen projects to be incubated to address the societal challenges exacerbated by the pandemic

The Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS) unveils the projects selected for its Civic Incubator this fall.

In the midst of the pandemic, the Maison de l’innovation sociale (MIS) launched a call to host projects with a socio-environmental impact led by Montrealers within its Civic Incubator program. The MIS sought to form two cohorts, rather than one, with the first group (the fall 2020 cohort) ready to begin this free coaching program, adapted to a virtual format, which will run from October 2020 to March 2021.

Aimed at prototyping and bringing to maturity innovative project ideas that have the potential for positive and transformational social and environmental impact, the Civic Incubator supports projects from an early stage of development to a level of maturity that allows them to move to the implementation and financing stage.

The projects that will be developed in this cohort have the particularity of responding to issues that have been exacerbated in recent months. At a time when recovery and transition are challenging our governments at all levels, it is all the more inspiring to note that the willingness to act and innovate to accelerate change is evident at the citizen and community levels.

“Far from being proponents of cynicism, despondency or immobility, those selected to join the Civic Incubator are bold and visionary. These civic leaders have understood that the system needs to be collectively rethought rather than relaunched. We want to support them in bringing their projects to fruition and amplify their voice as agents of change in their communities. It is by recognizing the relevance of their perspectives based on their experience in the field that we are equipped to better live together and redefine our relationship to the environment and to life.” Patrick Dubé, Executive Director of MIS

For nearly five months, investing seven hours of their personal time each week, these innovators will participate in training sessions, practical workshops, mentoring and group and individual coaching in order to clarify their concept, define their project’s social impact strategy, test their idea in the field, and prepare the implementation of their project in the territory of the Urban Agglomeration of Montreal.

Thanks to the financial support of the Ville de Montréal , BMO , the Mirella and Lino Saputo Foundation and the McConnell Foundation , this cohort of project leaders will be able to be coached free of charge. They will also be offered visibility for their projects and access to financial support. The MIS would like to thank its financial partners for their generosity and the recognition they give to the transformative power of citizen projects.

Discover the projects of the Fall 2020 cohort of the Civic Incubator!

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Maud Reymond. (2020). Innovative citizen projects to be incubated to address the societal challenges exacerbated by the pandemic. Praxis (consulted July 18, 2024),
