Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC)

Canadian Filmmakers Distribution Centre (CFMDC)

Established in 1967, CFMDC is a not-for-profit, non-commercial media arts distributor. We specialize in independent, artist-made work on film and video, including works from historically underrepresented communities. CFMDC advocates for a holistic understanding of production, distribution and exhibition that prioritizes artist rights, accessibility and the creation of new audiences through education and critical thinking. We have one of the most important collections of artist-made moving image on film in Canada that includes 16mm, 35mm and (s)8mm films.

Through a unique and successful national and international distribution service, CFMDC's collection is available for preview, rental or sale for the purposes of research, exhibition, screening, and broadcast as well as for institutional and private acquisition. We distribute through physical media and online streaming; on multiple formats including celluloid, video, digital, and DCP.

Artists should be paid for their work.

Art drives change, challenges conventions, and transforms lives.

Advocate for critical space outside the mainstream for artists' works. 

Advocate for voices rooted in community that disrupt dominant discourse. 

Explore opportunities to build community, encourage dialogue and reach new audiences.

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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
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Include by Samuel Thulin, on Oct. 19, 2023, 11 a.m.
Inspiring Projects/Projets inspirants, Multimedia (videos/podcasts/apps/etc.) /Multimédia (vidéos/balados/apps/etc.), Databases and Knowledge Bases/Bases de données et bases de connaissances, Libraries and Archives/Bibliothèques et archives, Websites and Blogs/Sites internet et blogues, English, Accessibility/Accessibilité, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion/Équité, diversité, inclusion, Public Engagement and(or) Community Outreach/Activités publiques et (ou) médiation culturelle, Emergent Technologies and Trends/Technologies émergentes et tendances, Data-related practices and digital workflow/Pratiques liées aux données et flux de travail numérique


1411 Dufferin Street, Unit D, Toronto, ON, M6H 4C7, Canada

Author(s) of note

Organizations are community generated. You can claim editing rights.


Aug. 10, 2023


Dec. 12, 2023, 3:11 p.m.

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