Commoning and degrowth: a strategic alliance

This note is part of the Commoning Beyond Growth Workshop, which took place in Nottingham from June 5 to 7, 2024.

By Sergio Ruiz Cayuela

1. Degrowth in theory

Degrowth in three principles:

  • Global ecological justice: selective decrease of global throughput
  • Social justice and collective self-determination: undoing structures of domination and a good life for all
  • Growth independence: transforming institutions and infrastructures

2. Degrowth in practice

  • Anecdotal among grassroots
  • Very influenced by academia
  • Small scale and disconnected

3. Degrowth in trouble

Two interpretations:

  1. Good strategy, wrong outcome
    • Asymmetric expansion of the movement
    • Assimilation of degrowth into mainstream politics
    • It becomes a buzzword
  2. Wrong strategy, terrible outcome
    • Divergence between means and ends
    • Reproduction of the structures of domination

In both cases:

  • Degrowth loses its emancipatory potential

4. Commoning & degrowth: a strategic alliance

  1. Commoning as political substance
  2. Commons as socio-ecological substance
  3. Commoning as common sense

Commoning as political substance

  • Commoning as a diverse set of practices shaped by their context, but based on sharing, direct democracy, cooperation and solidarity.
  • Commoning becomes the political substance of degrowth, preventing excessive institutionalisation and ensuring the fulfillment of 2nd principle
  • Also good for commons, since adegrowth orientation avoids cooptationfor profit or growth.

Commons as socio-ecological systems

  • Commons as complex socio-ecological systems that can be coupled creating commons ecologies, increasing autonomy and ultimately becoming aviable alternative of subsistence and well-being.
  • Practical way of thinking about the organisation of a degrowth society and the transition to it.
  • It keeps commons within ecological limits. More-than-human and future generations.

Commoning as common sense

  • Commoning as a transformation of subjectivity that highlights interdependence between collective and individual well-being.
  • Commoning is practised by everyone to a some extent, so it provides a grounded point of connection.
  • Adding a degrowth component might add slowness to commoning subjectivity, bringing about a more joyful militancy.

pdf Commoning and degrowth: a strategic alliance Sergio Ruiz Cayuela 2024

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Commoning Beyond Growth
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Include by Marie-Soleil L'Allier, on June 19, 2024, 10:09 a.m.

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June 19, 2024


June 19, 2024, 10:18 a.m.

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Marie-Soleil L'Allier. (2024). Commoning and degrowth: a strategic alliance. Praxis (consulted July 5, 2024),
