Established in 1984, Eastern Edge is a not-for-profit artist-run centre and a registered charity. Eastern Edge is an arts-based community centre that delivers free and accessible arts programming year-round. We aim to provide a diversity of programs that appeal to artists of any age, race, language, or gender, creating a safe and engaging community where artistic practices at every level can thrive, and every artist can be respected and celebrated. In providing an alternative venue where artists have greater control over how their work is represented, Eastern Edge facilitates critical dialogue concerning issues in contemporary art and society, actively encouraging emerging and established artists whose work speaks to feminist, multicultural, queer, and other diverse perspectives. 

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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
file_copy 94 notes
Include by Samuel Thulin, on Oct. 18, 2023, 9:01 a.m.
Inspiring Projects/Projets inspirants, Websites and Blogs/Sites internet et blogues, Accessibility/Accessibilité, English, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion/Équité, diversité, inclusion, Public Engagement and(or) Community Outreach/Activités publiques et (ou) médiation culturelle, Collaboration and Co-creation/Collaboration et co-création


72 Harbour Drive, St. John’s, NL, A1E5T4, Canada

Author(s) of note

Organizations are community generated. You can claim editing rights.


Aug. 31, 2023


Oct. 18, 2023, 9 a.m.

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