Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care / Coalition canadienne pour des soins de santé écologiques

Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care / Coalition canadienne pour des soins de santé écologiques

About CCGHC :

« For over 20 years the Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has been helping those working in health care facilities, non-governmental and governmental organisations, individuals, students and businesses to share green health care best practices and to become better equipped to deal with the growing demands placed upon them to be environmentally responsible health service workers and individuals.

Together with our Stewardship Council members, staff, Interns, volunteers and supporters across Canada, the Coalition provides a virtual platform for the sharing of ideas and resources; we lend support to those seeking to build a stronger, healthier and more sustainable health service delivery system and we strive to improve access to best practice information, innovative goods and services that offer a clear environmental advantage to users within the sector, and provide a venue for stakeholders to work together to reduce health care’s environmental impact. »

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991 King Street West, Hamilton, ON, L8S 4R5, Canada

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June 14, 2024


June 14, 2024, 9:55 a.m.

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