Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations (ICMI)

Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations (ICMI)

Indigenous Culture and Media Innovations (ICMI) is an artist-run multi-arts organization that provides access to the arts for Indigenous people in Ontario. The organization’s commitment to enhancing the employability and life skills of Indigenous people, with a focus on developing the capacity of youth and women, is at the heart of its mission. ICMI achieves this by providing professional development opportunities, projects, productions, facilities, and equipment to Indigenous communities. The organization welcomes all levels of expertise to produce new works and arts programming through creative communication and the development of artistic talent.

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3076-1a Mississauga Rd, Hagersville, ON, N0A 1H0, Canada

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Organizations are community generated. You can claim editing rights.


Aug. 10, 2023


Aug. 10, 2023, 12:37 p.m.

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