Article Quebec’s Model for Men’s Health Connecting Community, Research, Practice, and Policies

In the past 20 years, in the province of Quebec, Canada, there has been an active social response to men’s health issues, from local initiatives to research and national public health policies, such as the Men’s Health Action Plan 2017–2022, created by the Ministry of Health and Social Services. Although Quebec has developed and implemented many initiatives in this field of study, they remain largely unknown outside of the French-speaking regions. This paper seeks to make Quebec’s model available for an international audience and to inform a wider debate about gender and health issues. The main focus was to review the key community and institutional milestones that brought about this model. Challenges and limitations to the model are discussed within a wider debate on gender and health studies. Closing remarks support the relevance of
greater inclusion of men’s health content in university courses.

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Philippe Roy. (2022). Article Quebec’s Model for Men’s Health Connecting Community, Research, Practice, and Policies. Praxis (consulted July 23, 2024),
