About States of change :

« We live in a world facing many urgent, overlapping challenges. But we’re hopeful. There is no single answer to climate change, social justice or inequality, there’s an infinite number of them. That's why we need collective learning on a scale never seen before: to help us understand what works, where, for who and why.

Our purpose :
We’re trusted by individuals, institutions and governments to help them learn, as fast as they can. That’s what we do. Because in an uncertain age we believe it’s the fastest learners who will flourish. Our role is to help you flourish.

How we work :
We test your assumptions, facilitate your learning and act as your guides. We use experimentation, practice and reflection to create an environment that accelerates your understanding of what works, and what doesn’t.

States of Change was initiated by the UK Foundation Nesta to help governments become better problem-solvers. We are now an independent not-for-profit with the same mission, based in Australia and operating around the world. »

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May 8, 2024


May 8, 2024, 5:06 p.m.

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