European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA)

European Printing Ink Association (EuPIA)

About the EuPIA :

« Founded in 2003, the European Printing Ink Association EuPIA is the voice of the printing ink industry in Europe. It represents the common interests of about 80 manufacturers of printing inks and varnishes in Europe which stand for more than 90 % of European ink sales (2017: 954,000 tons, 3.03 billion €). The European Printing Ink Industry employs about 12,000 people.

EuPIA takes a proactive approach on health, safety and the environment by giving guidance on safe manufacturing, use and handling of printing inks and related products. It contributes to the image of an innovative, responsible and attractive industry.

EuPIA operates under the umbrella of CEPE, the European Council of the Paint, Printing Ink and Artists’ Colours Industry. It provides a voluntary framework within which EuPIA member companies and their value chain partners can cooperate to ensure sustainable business. This framework includes an organisational structure of committees, working groups and task forces established to the needs of EuPIA members.

EuPIA advises European and national institutions to help reach decisions based on accurate information and sound science.

EuPIA maintains and creates relationships with other international associations related to the graphic and packaging industry.

Membership with EuPIA is established through membership with the National Associations representing the ink industry in the EU and Norway and Switzerland. By virtue of being a member of the National Associations, ink companies are automatically members of EuPIA. »

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Boulevard du Triomphe 172, Bruxelles, 1160, Belgium

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June 21, 2024


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