221A works with artists and designers to research and develop social, cultural and ecological infrastructure.

221A envisions a pluralistic society in which all people have the means to access and make culture.

Brief History
Beginning as a student-led initiative in 2005, the organization was initially animated by an opposition to the division between contemporary art and design. Leaving the university grounds in 2008 to establish its first public exhibition space, the organization would be shaped by the history and upheavals of its new home in Chinatown, the embattled neighbourhood itself a microcosm of a global economic recession and the transformation of Vancouver before and after the 2010 Winter Olympics.

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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
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Include by Benjamin J. Allard, on Oct. 18, 2023, 3:44 p.m.


16-1265 Howe Street, Vancouver, BC, V6Z 1R3, Canada

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Oct. 18, 2023


Oct. 18, 2023, 3:44 p.m.

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