PAVED Arts is a non-profit, artist-run centre for production, presentation, research and dissemination of contemporary media arts. The word PAVED is an acronym signifying the integration of media art forms addressed by our mandate: photographic, audio, video, electronic, digital. PAVED Arts exists to support artists who work in these media.

Our mandate is to support local, regional and national artists working in the ‘PAVED’ arts by operating an access and production centre for media and new media creation, while simultaneously operating a presentation centre that exhibits and disseminates contemporary visual, media and new media art in time-based, gallery, and off-site modes.

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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
file_copy 94 notes
Include by Samuel Thulin, on Aug. 16, 2023, 3:29 p.m.
Databases and Knowledge Bases/Bases de données et bases de connaissances, Websites and Blogs/Sites internet et blogues, Accessibility/Accessibilité, English, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion/Équité, diversité, inclusion, Public Engagement and(or) Community Outreach/Activités publiques et (ou) médiation culturelle, Collaboration and Co-creation/Collaboration et co-création, Emergent Technologies and Trends/Technologies émergentes et tendances

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424 20th Street West, Saskatoon, SK, S7M 0X4, Canada

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Aug. 16, 2023


Aug. 16, 2023, 3:37 p.m.

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