Atelier sur les vocabulaires contrôlés

Le groupe de travail Teatralia, associé à Dariah-EU présentera un atelier intitulé  "Controlled Vocabularies: Short History, Typology, and Use", le lundi 27 mai, de 6:00 à 8:00 (le matin):[…]2c%22Oid%22%3a%229705cb11-6baf-4f92-ba52-56cf8bc07e27%22%7d

Abstract: The definition of the controlled vocabulary is often referred to as an organized arrangement of words and phrases that are used to index content and/or to retrieve content through navigation or a search. Controlled vocabulary comprises standardized words and phrases used to refer to ideas, physical characteristics, people, places, events, subject matter, and many other concepts. This workshop will present short history, types and potential use of the controlled vocabularies. It will also show  examples of widely used vocabularies (such as subject headings, thesauri, etc.) in order to draw attention to those which could be used in the field of performing arts. Participants would get basic knowledge about the structure, creation and usage of the controlled vocabulary.

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May 23, 2024


May 23, 2024, 2:30 p.m.

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Frédéric Julien. (2024). Atelier sur les vocabulaires contrôlés. Praxis (consulted July 6, 2024),
