This note is part of the Commoning Beyond Growth Workshop, which took place in Nottingham from June 5 to 7, 2024.



Kate Soper is emerita professor of philosophy and a former researcher with the Institute for the Study of European Transformations at London Metropolitan University.

Soper has published widely on theory of need and consumption, feminism, green politics, and environmental philosophy. She has had a long association with Radical Philosophy and has been a regular columnist for the U.S.-based journal, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, and an editorial collective member and writer for New Left Review. She has translated works by, among others, Sebastiano Timpanaro, Noberto Bobbio, Michel Foucault, Cornelius Castoriadis, and Carlo Ginsburg.

Her books include On Human Needs (Harvester Press, 1981); Humanism and Anti-Humanism (Hutchinson, 1986); Troubled Pleasures: Writings on Politics, Gender and Hedonism (Verso,1990); What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human (Blackwell, 1995, reprinted 1998, 2000, 2001), and Post-Growth Living: for an Alternative Hedonism (Verso 2020). With Martin Ryle, she is co-author of To Relish the Sublime? Culture and Self-Realization in Postmodern Times (Verso, 2002); and co-editor, along with Lyn Thomas, of The Politics and Pleasures of Consuming Differently (Palgrave, 2008). [Source]


Kate Soper est professeure émérite de philosophie et ancienne chercheuse à l'Institut pour l'Étude des Transformations Européennes à l'Université Métropolitaine de Londres.

Soper a largement publié sur la théorie des besoins et de la consommation, le féminisme, la politique écologique et la philosophie environnementale. Elle a entretenu une longue association avec Radical Philosophy et a été une chroniqueuse régulière pour la revue américaine Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, ainsi qu'un membre collectif de rédaction et rédactrice pour New Left Review. Elle a traduit des œuvres, entre autres, de Sebastiano Timpanaro, Noberto Bobbio, Michel Foucault, Cornelius Castoriadis et Carlo Ginsburg.

Ses livres comprennent : On Human Needs (Harvester Press, 1981) ; Humanism and Anti-Humanism (Hutchinson, 1986) ; Troubled Pleasures: Writings on Politics, Gender and Hedonism (Verso, 1990) ; What is Nature? Culture, Politics and the Non-Human (Blackwell, 1995, réédité en 1998, 2000, 2001), et Post-Growth Living: for an Alternative Hedonism (Verso, 2020). Avec Martin Ryle, elle est co-auteure de To Relish the Sublime? Culture and Self-Realization in Postmodern Times (Verso, 2002) ; et co-éditrice, avec Lyn Thomas, de The Politics and Pleasures of Consuming Differently (Palgrave, 2008). [Traduction libre]

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27 juin 2024 10:39

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Pour citer cette note

Marie-Soleil L'Allier. (2024). Kate Soper. Praxis (consulté le 17 janvier 2025),
