Le Common approach project lance un appel à candidature pour son comité d'orientation national

Si vous êtes bilingues, voici une occasion de participer à un projet pancanadien sur la mesure d’impact social (un dédommagement de 1000$ est prévu), et de recevoir une formation d’une valeur de 850$. Extrait de l'appel à candidature ci-joint :

Are you a social-purpose organization (a non-profit, charity, social enterprise, co-operative, or private sector organization with a social, environmental or cultural mission) that is interested in social impact measurement?
Are you interested in increasing your understanding and knowledge about social impact measurement, and accessing tools and resources about social impact measurement?
Do you believe that there is a need to develop a standard of social impact measurement in Canada that is non-rigid and which is as meaningful to grassroots organizations working on the front line as it is to investors and grantors seeking to understand an organization’s impact?

We need your help! We are looking for social-purpose organizations who would be interested in helping the Common Approach to Impact Measurement develop a national standard of social impact measurement in Canada.

You are invited to come join us in the co-creation of a Canada-wide common approach to social impact measurement.
We are inviting expressions of interest from those who would be interested in joining the Common Approach’s National Advisory Committee.



padding Carnet(s) relié(s)

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Évaluation et mesure d'impact social : Nouvelles, enjeux et réflexions
file_copy 90 notes
Intégré par Gabriel Salathé-Beaulieu, le 27 octobre 2023 15:51

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17 février 2023 09:12

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