This note was created for the Commoning Beyond Growth Workshop, which took place in Nottingham from June 5 to 7, 2024.


PhD student in Urban Studies and Integrated Researcher in DINÂMIA’cet, ISCTE-IUL, LisbonPortugal (2021-) developing the research “Social economy practices in rural areas asalternatives to the capitalist model of development: a comparative analysis of an European anda Latin-American case” financed by a scholarship of FCT. MSc in Urban Design from AalborgUniversity, Denmark (2018), and degree in Architecture Studies from Architecture Faculty ofLisbon (2016). Professor of Architecture in International University SEK Quito, Ecuador (2019-2020). Funding member of HABITANTE, the architecture and city film festival of Ecuador(2019-2020). Was involved in some activist movements such as Sirigaita an activist associationin Lisbon, Portugal (2021-2022); the cultural occupy La Ortiga in Quito, Ecuador (2018-2019),the cultural self-managed association 1000fryd in Aalborg, Denmark (2016-2018) and was afounding member of NAVE a students’ collective in Lisbon, Portugal (2015-2016).

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Intégré par Marie-Soleil L'Allier, le 27 juin 2024 10:37
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Commoning Beyond Growth
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Intégré par Marie-Soleil L'Allier, le 12 juin 2024 06:55

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5 juin 2024


27 juin 2024 10:37

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Pour citer cette note

Marie-Soleil L'Allier. (2024). Catarina Lopes Mateus. Praxis (consulté le 19 juillet 2024),
