The Banker Ladies - Un film documentaire sur des services financiers alternatifs

How Informal Banking Schemes Empower Entire Communities

In ‘The Banker Ladies’, meet three Black women creating diverse financial services through Rotating Saving and Credit Associations.

"Created by the Diverse Solidarity Economies Collective, The Banker Ladies tells the stories of Ginelle, Aisha, and Mabinty, three Black women in Toronto creating diverse financial services for their communities through Rotating Saving and Credit Associations (ROSCAs). Known by diverse cultural names, these self-managed money collectives are fundamentally anchored in reciprocity and community development. What’s more, such schemes are a living example of post-growth approaches to savings and finance — a socially and economically sustainable part of the commons, rather than charity."

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Pour citer cette note

Christoph B. Stamm. (2022). The Banker Ladies - Un film documentaire sur des services financiers alternatifs. Praxis (consulté le 29 juillet 2024),
