Digital Art Projects from the MacKenzie Art Gallery

(Cette note n'est disponible qu'en anglais.*)

This note was created as part of interConnect, a collaborative inquiry into digital transformation. Learn more in the box at the end of the text.

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The MacKenzie Art Gallery has led a number of digital art projects supporting digital art literacy and development. This includes Landscapes of Digital Art, the result of two years of digital programming from the Gallery that was initially designed to expand digital art literacy across Saskatchewan. Funded by the Canada Council for the Art’s Digital Strategy Fund, the project has evolved from in-person digital arts workshops to online programs, and now exists as a digital publication of dozens of resources and artist-led conversations. Over a two-year period, the Gallery’s Digital Consultants, Cat Bluemke and Jonathan Carroll, experimented with a variety of online programming forms including virtual screenings, workshops, artist discussions, and digital artist-in-resident initiatives. This included the Ender Gallery and DAiR: v1 Video Games by Artists digital art residencies. As a result, these programs highlighted dozens of contemporary digital artists, scholars, and curators—presenting their ideas to a Saskatchewan audience within a global context.

The Gallery is currently developing its Digital Exhibitions Toolkit and Art Installation Launcher (DETAIL) project with support from the CCA’s Digital Strategy Fund. DETAIL will be available to the public in late 2024. 

About this note   

  • This note was nurtured by the discussions that took place during interConnect workshops, particularly those of co-learning group 1.1
  • Note contributed by Cat Bluemke.
  • If you are the content owner or the organization concerned and would like to take control of ownership of the note, write to IMAA at

The interConnect initiative was led by the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA). The views expressed in this note are those of the author(s) and not official IMAA recommendations.


*interConnect était une initiative bilingue. Cependant, en raison de la quantité de contenu créé au cours du projet, et compte tenu des contraintes budgétaires et de la capacité de l'équipe, toutes les notes n'ont pas été traduites.

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Digital Initiatives in the Broad Visual and Media Arts Sector/Initiatives...
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Include by Samuel Thulin, on Oct. 24, 2023, 10:12 a.m.
1. Research Project /Projet de recherche, 2. Capacity and training /Capacités et formation, 4. Tools and Platforms /Outils et plateformes, 5. Models and frameworks /Modèles et cadres conceptuels, 1. Equity and Diversity /Équité et diversité, 2. Access and inclusion /Accès et inclusion, 3. Public Engagement and Community Outreach /Engagement du public et sensibilisation de la communauté, 4. Presenting art /Diffusion d’art, 5. Collaboration and co-creation /Collaboration et co-création, 6. Infrastructure, Technology and Equipment /Infrastructure, technologie et équipement, 7. Data-related practices and digital workflow /Pratiques liées aux données et flux de travail numérique, English
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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
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Include by Samuel Thulin, on Oct. 24, 2023, 10:12 a.m.
Inspiring Projects/Projets inspirants, Guides, Tools and Toolkits/Guides, outils et boîtes à outils, Multimedia (videos/podcasts/apps/etc.) /Multimédia (vidéos/balados/apps/etc.), Websites and Blogs/Sites internet et blogues, English, Accessibility/Accessibilité, Equity, Diversity, Inclusion/Équité, diversité, inclusion, Public Engagement and(or) Community Outreach/Activités publiques et (ou) médiation culturelle, Emergent Technologies and Trends/Technologies émergentes et tendances, Data-related practices and digital workflow/Pratiques liées aux données et flux de travail numérique

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Oct. 24, 2023


March 26, 2024, 9:18 p.m.

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Cat Bluemke, Projets AAMI / IMAA Projects, Benjamin J. Allard, Pascaline Le Bras, Samuel Thulin. (2023). Digital Art Projects from the MacKenzie Art Gallery. Praxis (consulted July 5, 2024),
