(Cette note n'est disponible qu'en anglais.*)

This note was created as part of interConnect, a collaborative inquiry into digital transformation. Learn more in the box at the end of the text.

Logo of Making Space

Making Space is a virtual peer mentorship program focusing on the needs and wants of early career BIPOC artists. They operate mainly through an ongoing community Slack page where artists share their work, questions, and any resources that they feel may benefit artists in the collective (readings, calls for artists, etc.). Making Space hosts three events a month: a speaker series where an established BIPOC artist visits Making Space; a workshop facilitated by an early career BIPOC artist; and a studio hangout on the first Tuesday of every month.

Through their programming, Making Space prioritizes collaboration, paying artists and facilitators above CARFAC fees, safe gathering in virtual spaces, and the overall autonomy and agency of racialized artists across contemporary arts communities.

All BIPOC artists are welcome, Making Space follows a drop-in style that encourages artists to join the mentorship at any time, and to come in whatever capacity they feel suits them and their practice. Whether this is through a one time workshop attendance, or ongoing relationship building within the collective.

About this note

  • This note was nurtured by the discussions that took place during interConnect workshops.
  • Note authored by Christina Battle with revision support from the interConnect team.

The interConnect initiative was led by the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA). The views expressed in this note are those of the author(s) and not official IMAA recommendations.


*interConnect était une initiative bilingue. Cependant, en raison de la quantité de contenu créé au cours du projet, et compte tenu des contraintes budgétaires et de la capacité de l'équipe, toutes les notes n'ont pas été traduites.

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Digital Initiatives in the Broad Visual and Media Arts Sector/Initiatives...
file_copy 41 notes
Intégré par Samuel Thulin, le 8 novembre 2023 09:15
2. Capacity and training /Capacités et formation, 3. Partnership and collaboration /Partenariat et collaboration, 7. Events /Événements, 1. Equity and Diversity /Équité et diversité, 2. Access and inclusion /Accès et inclusion, 5. Collaboration and co-creation /Collaboration et co-création, 7. Data-related practices and digital workflow /Pratiques liées aux données et flux de travail numérique, 9. Professional Relations, Hiring, and Training /Relations professionnelles, recrutement et formation, English

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8 novembre 2023


29 mars 2024 11:22

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