Synthesizing the Research Results: Where is the Common Ground?


Are there any common themes that can be discerned in the research reported in the preceding articles? Are there collective learnings that can be gleaned from their results? If you are like one experienced practitioner I know, a first read through made him wonder if the various project conclusions and recommendations could be dovetailed at all. Fortunately, I have been able to read the reports and other documents which have been produced by the various research teams. Studying them through the lenses I wear as a practitioner, teacher, and student of CED, I’ve concluded that there are indeed some important points of convergence between the different research projects. This article proposes to highlight some key areas where there appears to be common themes and conclusions.

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pdf Synthesizing the Research Results: Where is the Common Ground? William A. Ninacs 1993

William A. Ninacs, Synthesizing the Research Results: Where is the Common Ground? Making Waves, Vol. 4, N° 4, 18-20, 1993

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Archie l'archiviste. (2023). Synthesizing the Research Results: Where is the Common Ground?. Praxis (consulté le 22 juillet 2024),
