Needs & Dreams Community-based job creation in Québec


Employability development is becoming estranged from the job market. Being employable and getting a job no longer go hand in hand.”1 Why is this so? Masses of people are being driven out of their jobs as a result of the most recent waves of technological advances. Even with stable technology, still more human labour is eliminated by rationalization of production processes. Unemployment statistics are much higher than the published figures, and the great majority of the jobs created are precarious. Finally, the situation is being worsened daily by the cult of competition, competitiveness, and free trade.2 So what can be done? More specifically, what can  CED do to reduce the gap between the numbers of people who need work, and the work available for them to do? I would like to offer some answers to that question with particular reference to what CED has been accomplishing in Québec.

  1. Deniger, Marc-André, et al, Poverty among Young Families and their Integration into Society and the Work Force (Ottawa: Social Planning Council of Ottawa Carleton, 1995), p. 3.
  2. Bruno Cassen, Le Monde diplomatique (1995), 24-25.

Complete document

pdf Needs & Dreams, Making Waves William A. Ninacs 1995

William A. Ninacs, Needs & Dreams, Making Waves, Vol. 8, N° 1, 16-20. [texte d’une communication intitulée « Job Creation and CED » au 7e Congrès biennal de la politique sociale, Vancouver], 1995

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Archie l'archiviste. (2023). Needs & Dreams Community-based job creation in Québec. Praxis (consulté le 3 juillet 2024),
