Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Canada’s Renewable Energy Co-operatives

Webinaire le 15 février 2023 à 12h. 

"Recent studies from Europe and Canada have shown that membership bodies of renewable energy co-operatives (RECs) predominantly consist of affluent white men. This demographic concentration points at a disconnect between REC activity and its often-assumed potential in simultaneously advancing decarbonisation and social justice. This presentation will build on interviews with leading members RECs in Ontario to identify factors driving the exclusion of marginalised and frontline communities from REC initiatives. Findings reveal that a combination of inadequate policy support and complex preparatory activities in Ontario geared the pursuit of REC development towards affluent, professional class groups with access to necessary practical capacities. The presentation will conclude with a discussion of paths forward for Canada’s REC sector and the broader co-operative movement to act on the principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion."


Commentaires importés 

Tabata Barthoulot - 17 février 2023 à 13:40 :
Voici l'enregistrement du webinaire : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otkr0o6xNUk

Miriam Fahmy - TIESS - 17 février 2023 à 14:50 :

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Pour citer cette note

Tabata Barthoulot. (2023). Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Canada’s Renewable Energy Co-operatives. Praxis (consulté le 22 juillet 2024), https://praxis.encommun.io/n/u5w_hlESg_3NajOBzJLHVf1ZwOQ/.
