Co-ops, The social economy, & CED in Québec


Understanding the relationship between the co-operative movement and CED in Québec is not a simple task. On one hand, the evolution of the co-op movement here has given rise to different generations of co-ops that cannot be lumped together just because they all share the same legal structure. On the other, CED is often hard to distinguish from other community-focussed strategies in place here, such as local development, and from other approaches promoting economic democracy, such as the social economy. The goal of this article is to shed a little light on all of this.

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pdf Co-ops, The social economy, & CED in Québec William A. Ninacs and Frank Moreland 2001William A. Ninacs with assistance from Frank Moreland, Co-ops, the Social Economy, & CED in Québec,avec l'assistance de F. Moreland, Making Waves, Vol. 12, N° 1, 17-20, 2001

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Archie l'archiviste. (2023). Co-ops, The social economy, & CED in Québec. Praxis (consulté le 22 juillet 2024),
