(Cette note n'est disponible qu'en anglais.*)

This note was created as part of interConnect, a collaborative inquiry into digital transformation. Learn more in the box at the end of the text.

Arts BC logo

Beginning in 2019 and funded by the Canada Council for the Arts, Arts BC developed a  multi-year initiative to digital literacy that endeavors to support cultural workers and artists to gain the necessary skills to navigate and flourish in the digital world. The project was divided into two stages. First, the DigistARTS phase focused on sector research and consultation to better understand the state of the industry and areas the project is seeking to address – the digital landscape in the arts and culture sector. The second phase, THRIVE Digital, which they are currently undertaking, transforms the findings from phase one into a series of practical knowledge and skills building activities for the community such as workshops, virtual residencies, and learning groups.

As part of their current phase, THRIVE Digital, Arts BC is offering Digital Course Licenses to Arts BC members. Previously, as part of their hands-on learning and training, they offered a Tech Helpdesk and Peer to Peer Mentoring Network.

On the topic of digital literacy, their website states: 

"For us, building digital literacy means getting comfortable with digital. More importantly, it’s about thinking strategically about the role digital tools play in our everyday work and creativity. In addition to how we respond to digital trends that drive key areas in our work such as audience engagement, marketing communications, content development, collaboration and fundraising." —https://artsbc.org/digital-literacy/#!event-list, Accessed 31 January 2024.


About this note   

  • This note was nurtured by the discussions that took place during interConnect workshops, particularly those of co-learning group 3.1
  • Note authored by Emily Collins with revision support from the interConnect team.
  • This note is not associated with a specific location. Its position on the Praxis map is given as an indication only.
  • If you are the content owner or the organization concerned and would like to take control of ownership of the note, write to IMAA at info@imaa.ca.

The interConnect initiative was led by the Independent Media Arts Alliance (IMAA). The views expressed in this note are those of the author(s) and not official IMAA recommendations.


*interConnect était une initiative bilingue. Cependant, en raison de la quantité de contenu créé au cours du projet, et compte tenu des contraintes budgétaires et de la capacité de l'équipe, toutes les notes n'ont pas été traduites.

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interConnect Web: A Gathering of Resources/Un recueil de ressources
file_copy 94 notes
Intégré par Samuel Thulin, le 12 février 2024 16:16
Guides, Tools and Toolkits/Guides, outils et boîtes à outils, Databases and Knowledge Bases/Bases de données et bases de connaissances, Libraries and Archives/Bibliothèques et archives, English, Accessibility/Accessibilité, Public Engagement and(or) Community Outreach/Activités publiques et (ou) médiation culturelle, Strategic Planning/Planification stratégique, Training, Recruitment, and Professional Development/Formation, recrutement et développement professionnel

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BC, Canada


12 février 2024


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Pour citer cette note

Emily Collins, Projets AAMI / IMAA Projects, Benjamin J. Allard, Pascaline Le Bras, Samuel Thulin. (2024). DigistARTS and THRIVE Digital. Praxis (consulté le 8 décembre 2024), https://praxis.encommun.io/n/n7HjkNesU_PZ6jQsyjnrjZvbziY/.
